We are looking for employees and trainees

We are looking for skilled workers and trainees for our locations in Hennigsdorf and Nauen.
We currently have 6 vacancies in various areas.

Sales, PM & Quality

0 Job description(s)

Support functions

0 Job description(s)

To the overview of our vacancies

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Living and working in the greater Berlin area

Our two locations in the Berlin/Brandenburg metropolitan region are easily and quickly accessible by public transportation. Hennigsdorf is located directly on the A111, Nauen is only a stone’s throw from Berlin via the B5 or from Potsdam via the A10.

No suitable position?

You are welcome to send us an unsolicited application. We will contact you as soon as we have a suitable position.


Privacy policy / Consent

Thank you for submitting your application to FSM. Your data will only be stored in our HR department and will also only be used for the application process.

If you are hired, they will remain in your personnel file for the duration of your employment and for one year thereafter; otherwise, they will be deleted after 12 months, unless there is a legal obligation to retain them.

You can revoke your consent to the storage of your data at any time in writing to our address given in the imprint or by email to karriere@fsm-stamping.de, whereupon we will delete your personal data immediately.